List of Ayurvedic Massage Oils & Their Uses

In the Ayurveda tradition, ayurvedic massage oil or so-called therapeutic oil and their uses are of great importance. They play an important role to boost our body, they balance our three doshas known as Vata, pitta, and Kapha in Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic Massage Oils – List Of Ayurvedic Oils & Their Uses

These doshas create an unequaled, biochemical laboratory in every human body. Each person body has the combination of vata, pitta, and Kapha that is endless, with a charter that is as sole as his fingermark.

Every person, however, has one Dosha is primary and other are the secondary, and the third is least prominent. Due to this unique combination of everybody, Ayurveda suggests adopting of different massage oils fitting to principal Dosha.

The best way to determine what your dominant dosha is? Google ayurvedic doctor near me, and find the best doctor near you that can advise the best oil suitable for you. below are some of the list of ayurvedic oils.

What do ayurvedic massages do to our body?

In Ayurvedic massage sesame oil is generally used. The application of the oil on the body sensitizes the sense of touch and intensifies the purification process.

It by relieving and expelling the altered doshas, loosening the accumulated toxins, increasing the dhatus Agni and the Ojas, at the same time that nourishes the skin and relaxes the mind.

According to Ayurveda, the oil applied to the skin is considered a food for the body because it is absorbed through the capillaries of the skin and passes into the bloodstream circulating through the body. This is why it is said that what we put on the skin we could eat.

list of best ayurvedic oil for massage

The base oils that are generally used for massage are sesame, olive, ghee, sunflower oil, etc, and the basis for the preparation of medicated oils are also different.

  • Sesame oil: for Vata or Vata type alterations.
  • Coconut oil: for Pitta or Pitta type alterations.
  • Mustard oil: for Kapha or Kapha alterations, taking into account that Kapha requires very little oil and powders for further stimulation.
  • Coconut oil: relieves Pitta dosha by being refreshing. Increases hair growth and skin complexion. It is good healing and optimal for skin problems.
  • Mustard oil (white seeds are used): Relieve Kapha and Vata. It is penetrating and hot. It is very good for joint pain, reduces fat and strengthens the body.
  • Sesame oil: it alleviates Vata and Kapha. Provides strength, elasticity, heat, and firmness to the skin. It is the base oil to medicate. For Pitta, you can medicate with sandalwood.

Which oil is good for a body massage for me?

The list of base oils for each dosha or dosha alteration can be different; we can also use other oils of high quality. The fruits or seeds which are sown can be different according to climate or region.

  • Vata: Sesame, olive, almond, castor, ghee.
  • Pitta: Almond, sunflower, coconut, olive, ghee.
  • Kapha: Almond, corn.

Note: It is important to get a good base oil because although the base oils do not evaporate, if their extraction is incorrect they are easily altered and their qualities are destroyed.

Therefore, before acquiring it, we must choose it with caution and care, taking into account that the oil will be absorbed by our skin.

What type of base oil should we use?

  • Be labeled as a biological product, free of transgenic or chemical products.
  • First cold-pressed.

The best Ayurveda essential oils for doshas

You can medicate with many plants according to the use we want to give our body massage.

  • Vata: Ashwagandha, Basil, Ginger, Licorice, Thyme.
  • Pitta: Neem, Licorice, Burdock, Peppermint, Cardamom, Hibiscus.
  • Kapha: Neem, Sage, Rosemary, Triphala, Hibiscus.

List of ayurvedic oils & their uses

In India and especially in Kerala there is a great tradition in the preparation of plant oils, even many of the mixtures are kept as a secret. Moreover, there are some oils that are popularly used and marketed in India.

  • Dhanwantharam oil: Especially good for chronic Vata diseases.
  • Pinda thailam: It is used especially for acute rheumatic diseases when refreshing oil is needed.
  • Gandha Thailam: Applied to fractures, sprains, and sprains to help them heal quickly.
  • Bala Thailam: It is used for fertility, to relieve exhaustion, especially after childbirth and for other Vata conditions.
  • Anu Thailam: They are used for the practice of Nasya, they contain water and goat’s milk.
  • Narayana oil: For Vata ailments and for fertility.
  • Vishagarbha taila: It is applied to the clogged joints by the mistress to help undo the obstruction.

What does medicated ghee do?

Beside base oil you can also use medicated ghee, which can be easily found in the local market or online, it can be used for many health benefits, best uses are given below.

  • Triphala ghee: for eye diseases, especially conjunctivitis.
  • Brahmi ghee: for mental illness and to stimulate intelligence.
  • Mahatiktaka ghee: it is a combination of bitter herbs that are used for skin diseases.

Which essential oils blend well together?

Below is some of the list of essential oils which can be blend together to get many health benefits.

1. Ghee medicated with Licorice

  • Relieves Pitta dosha.
  • Alterations such as headache, burns, hair loss.
  • A Netra-Basti can be done for dry eyes.
  • It improves the complexion of the skin and gives it a good color, acts as a rejuvenator.

2. Sesame oil medicated with Rosemary

  • Relieve Vata and Kapha dosha.
  • Rosemary is stimulating both for blood circulation and for mental agility and memory.
  • It is good for baldness and dandruff revitalizing the scalp.
  • Also for migraine.
  • It is used to relieve muscle and gastrointestinal spasms.

Precautions: Do not administer in cases of aggravated Pitta.

3. Ghee medicated with Turmeric

  • Relieve Kapha
  • It is healing and cleansing.
  • It can be applied externally on wounds, mainly when there is inflammation, itching, pain, burning sensation.

The principal use of ayurvedic oil is to make us healthy and fit. It can be administered internally (oil pulling) or externally (massage).

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